The four seasons of the year in Spanish (las estaciones del año) are:
Quick tip: The names of the seasons in Spanish are not capitalized and are usually preceded by the definite article el or la.
The four seasons in Spanish with months
The three-month seasons vary in accordance with each hemisphere. While winter starts on December 21 and ends on March 20 for Spain and Mexico, for the rest of the Spanish-speaking world, those dates correspond to the summer season.
For the Northern Hemisphere, the three-month seasons in Spanish are:
INVIERNO (winter) | VERANO (summer) |
diciembre (December) enero (January) febrero (February) | junio (June) julio (July) agosto (August) |
PRIMAVERA (spring) | OTOÑO (fall / autumn) |
marzo (March) abril (April) mayo (May) | septiembre (September) octubre (October) noviembre (November) |
For the Southern Hemisphere, the three-month seasons in Spanish are:
diciembre (December) enero (January) febrero (February) | junio (June) julio (July) agosto (August) |
marzo (March) abril (April) mayo (May) | septiembre (September) octubre (October) noviembre (November) |
Culture: The Southern Hemisphere is home to Latin America, the region with the most Spanish speakers in the world. In the Northern Hemisphere, Spanish is the official language of Spain and Mexico.
When is the definite article used with seasons?
The definite article (el or la) is used with the names of the seasons in most contexts:
El verano es mi estación favorita.
Summer is my favorite season.Durante el otoño, las hojas cambian a colores brillantes.
During autumn, leaves change to bright colors.
The definite article may be omitted in most contexts when de and en introduce the name of the season:
La playa es el mejor lugar para estar en verano.
The beach is the best place to be in summer.Los festivales de primavera atraen a visitantes de todo el mundo.
Spring festivals attract visitors from all over the world.
Sentences with seasons in Spanish
El invierno trae frío y nieve.
Winter brings cold and snow.
A pesar del frío, el invierno tiene su encanto.
Despite the cold, winter has its charm.
Hacia el final del verano, los días comienzan a acortarse.
Towards the end of summer, days begin to shorten.
Con la llegada de la primavera, los días se alargan.
With the arrival of spring, days get longer.
La belleza de la primavera se refleja en los jardines florecidos.
The beauty of spring is reflected in the blooming gardens.
Después del verano, el clima comienza a refrescar poco a poco.
After summer, the weather starts to cool down gradually.
El invierno marca el inicio de la temporada de esquí en Bariloche.
Winter marks the beginning of the ski season in Bariloche.
Después del verano, el clima comienza a refrescar.
After summer, the weather starts to cool down.
En otoño, el clima se vuelve más fresco y agradable.
During the fall, the weather becomes cooler and more pleasant.
En primavera, el parque se llena de flores.
In spring, the park is filled with flowers.
Adjective forms of the seasons in Spanish
Just like English, Spanish has adjective forms deriving from the names of seasons:
For example:
Estas son lluvias típicamente invernales.
These are typical wintry showers.
The names of the seasons can also be used as adjectives combined with de:
noche de invierno (winter night)
mercado de verano (summer market).
Seasons and weather vocabulary in Spanish
Vocabulary related to the seasons include words like: las cuatro estaciones (the four seasons), el tiempo (the weather), la estación lluviosa (the rainy season), la estación seca (the dry season). More specific words depend on each season:
Words related to the summer season in Spanish
Summer-related vocabulary in Spanish includes:
día caluroso hot day | soleado sunny | playa beach |
arena sand | piscina pool | anteojos de sol sunglasses |
pantalla solar sunscreen | sombrilla parasol | helado ice cream |
sediento thirsty | vacaciones vacation | aire acondicionado air conditioner |
tomar sol sunbathe | nadar swim | ola de calor heatwave |
Words related to the fall season in Spanish
Fall-related vocabulary in Spanish includes:
hojas leaves | dorado golden | acogedor cozy |
calabaza pumpkin | ventoso windy | frío chilly |
templado mild | bufanda scarf | chimenea fireplace |
hornear bake | colcha quilt | castaña chestnut |
crepúsculo twilight | nublado cloudy | melancólico melancholic |
Words related to the winter season in Spanish
Winter-related vocabulary in Spanish includes:
frío cold | nieve snow | bufanda scarf |
guantes gloves | escarcha frost | copo de nieve snowflake |
manta blanket | tormenta de nieve blizzard | hielo ice |
hombre de nieve snowman | helado freezing | trineo sleigh |
Words related to the spring season in Spanish
Spring-related vocabulary in Spanish includes:
pájaros birds | flores flowers | templado warm |
florecer blossom | jardín garden | césped grass |
mariposa butterfly | arcoíris rainbow | abeja bee |
picnic picnic | nido nest | margarita daisy |
brote sprout | brisa breeze | rocío dew |
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