Months in Spanish


Months in Spanish: rules

  • Unlike in English, months in Spanish are not capitalized.

Amo el mes de abril.
I love the month of April.

  • The preposition en is used before the month to refer to time.    

Ellos se casarán en septiembre.
They’re getting married in September.

  • Unlike in American English, in Spanish the month comes second after the day:

04/07 means July 4, and not April 7.

How to write dates in Spanish

Dates in Spanish are expressed like this:

7 de octubreOctober 7
7 de octubre de 2024October 7, 2024
siete de octubre de dos mil veinticuatroOctober seven, two thousand and twenty-four
  • Day comes before month
    Unlike in American English, in Spanish the day comes before the month. Likewise, when dates are abbreviated in numeric format, in Spanish the day comes first, followed by the month:

6 de enero
January 6.
01/06 means June 1, and not January 6.

  • Days written in cardinal numbers
    The days of the month are expressed using cardinal numbers:
    cinco (five), 10 (diez).
    The only exception is the first day of the month, usually referred to as primero (first):

01/05 is said primero de mayo
08/06 is said ocho de junio

  • Months and years preceded by preposition de
    Months and years are introduced by the preposition de preceded by the day, like this:

day + de + month + de + year
9 de julio de 1816.
July 9, 1816.

  • To ask and answer what date it is, the verb es (ser) is used

¿Qué fecha es hoy?
What date is it today?
Es 18 de abril.
It’s April 18.
Hoy es 18 de abril.
Today is April 18.

How to abbreviate months in Spanish

Months in Spanish are abbreviated using a two or three-letter format, depending on the month:

4 de dic. (Dec. 4)

15 de nov. (Nov. 15)

6 de sept. (Sept. 6)

In numeric format, months in Spanish are abbreviated following the dd/mm/yyyy format:

08/02 - ocho de febrero (February 8).

02/08 - dos de agosto (August 2)

11/10/2024 - once de octubre de 2024 (October 11, 2024)

Months and seasons

The three-month seasons vary in accordance with each hemisphere. For example, while for Spain and Mexico winter starts on December 21 and ends on March 20, for the rest of the Spanish-speaking world, those dates correspond to the summer season.

For the Northern Hemisphere, the three-month seasons in Spanish are:

INVIERNO (winter)VERANO (summer)
diciembre (December)
enero (January)
febrero (February)
junio (June)
julio (July)
agosto (August)
PRIMAVERA (spring)OTOÑO (fall / autumn)
marzo (March)
abril (April)
mayo (May)
septiembre (September)
octubre (October)
noviembre (November)

For the Southern Hemisphere, the three-month seasons in Spanish are:

diciembre (December)
enero (January)
febrero (February)
junio (June)
julio (July)
agosto (August)
marzo (March)
abril (April)
mayo (May)
septiembre (September)
octubre (October)
noviembre (November)

How to use the months in Spanish

Diciembre es el último mes del año.
December is the last month of the year.

Este abril ha sido el más frío en décadas.
This April has been the coldest in decades.

La secuela del libro saldrá en octubre.
The sequel to the book will come out in October.

El cumpleaños de Juan es el 4 de junio.
Juan’s birthday is on June 4.

México se independizó de España el 24 de agosto de 1821.
Mexico became independent from Spain on August 24, 1821.

Las personas nacidas entre el 19 de febrero y el 20 de marzo son de Piscis.
People born between February 19 and March 20 are Pisces.

El Día Internacional de los Trabajadores es el 1 de mayo.
International Workers’ Day is on 1 May.

La nueva película de Batman se estrenará el próximo enero.
The new Batman movie will be released next January.

Febrero tiene 29 días en un año bisiesto.
February has 29 days in a leap year.

En España, el Día de la Madre se celebra el primer domingo de mayo.
In Spain, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May.

Era una mañana cálida de septiembre.
It was a warm September morning.

La temporada de rebajas en España es desde mediados de julio hasta mediados de septiembre.
The sales season in Spain is from mid-July to mid-September.

¿Carnaval es en febrero en todo el mundo?
Is Carnival in February all over the world?

El mes de noviembre es frío en el hemisferio norte.
The month of November is cold in the Northern Hemisphere.

Las historias medievales hablan del “alegre mes de mayo.
Medieval stories speak about the “merry month of May”.

Useful expressions related to time in Spanish

todos los meses

every month
el mes que viene
next month
el mes pasado
last month
en los últimos meses
in the past few months
año bisiesto
leap year
para fin de año
by the end of the year
fin de semana
día por medio
every other day
pasado mañana
the day after tomorrow
anteayer / antes de ayer
the day before yesterday
en dos días  
in two days
en un minuto
in a minute

How to quote?

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To cite properly, we recommend doing so according to APA standards, which are international standard guidelines followed by leading academic and research institutions worldwide.

Gary, Marilina (August 13, 2024). Months in Spanish. Encyclopedia of the Spanish Language.

About The Author

Author: Marilina Gary

Degree in English Language Teaching (Juan XXIII Institute of Higher Education, Bahía Blanca, Argentina).

Last updated: August 13, 2024

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