Whether to cook a Spanish recipe, eat out at a restaurant, order food, or do the shopping in a Spanish-speaking country, knowing the names of foods is a basic skill.
No como carne.
I don’t eat meat.¿Te gusta la pizza?
Do you like pizza?
The four meals in Spanish are:
el desayuno: breakfast
el almuerzo: lunch
la merienda: afternoon snack
la cena: dinner
And some of the the most common food-related verbs are:
comer: to eat
beber, tomar: to drink
desayunar: to have breakfast
almorzar: to have lunch
merendar: to eat an afternoon snack
cenar: to have dinner
cocinar: to cook
tener hambre: to be hungry
tener sed: to be thirsty
estar lleno: to be full
Fun fact: The Spanish word comida means both “food” and “meal”.
Types of food in Spanish
Below are some of the most common foods in Spanish divided into food groups:
Fruits in Spanish
manzana apple | melón melon | lima lime |
fresa strawberry | piña, ananá pineapple | pera pear |
banana, plátano banana | limón lemon | arándano blueberry |
naranja orange | durazno, melocotón peach | frambuesa raspberry |
ciruela plum | damasco, albaricoque apricot | cereza cherry |
uvas grapes | pomelo, toronja grapefruit | zarzamora, mora blackberry |
sandía watermelon | granada pomegranate | aguacate, palta avocado |
La granada es típica del sur de España.
Pomegranates are typical of southern Spain.Me encantan las frambuesas.
I love raspberries.
- More on this: Fruits in Spanish
Vegetables in Spanish
papa, patata potato | champiñón mushroom | coliflor cauliflower |
zanahoria carrot | pepino cucumber | calabacín zucchini |
tomate tomato | maíz, choclo corn | brócoli broccoli |
lechuga lettuce | berenjena eggplant | repollo cabbage |
cebolla onion | ajo garlic | rábano radish |
zapallo pumpkin | pimiento, morrón pepper | espárragos asparagus |
espinaca spinach | apio celery | batata, boniato sweet potato |
Me gusta la ensalada de zanahoria, repollo y cebolla.
I like carrot, cabbage, and onion salad.Para la sopa, necesitamos apio, zapallo y ajo.
For the soup, we need celery, pumpkin, and garlic.
Meat and dairy products in Spanish
carne de res beef | jamón ham | huevo egg |
pollo chicken | tocino bacon | leche milk |
pescado fish | salchicha sausage | queso cheese |
cerdo pork | chorizo chorizo | mantequilla butter |
cordero lamb | bistec steak | yogur yogurt |
pavo turkey | lomo sirloin | crema cream |
Está comiendo un sándwich de jamón y queso.
He’s eating a ham and cheese sandwich.El pescado está muy fresco.
The fish is very fresh.
Grains and staples in Spanish
harina flour | cereales cereals | garbanzos chickpeas |
aceite oil | lentejas lentils | avena oats |
arroz rice | frijoles, porotos beans | trigo wheat |
azúcar sugar | guisantes, arvejas peas | cebada barley |
Agrégale aceite de oliva a la ensalada.
Add some olive oil into the salad.La niña come cereales con leche todas las mañanas.
The little girl eats cereal with milk every morning.
Spices and herbs in Spanish
sal salt | cúrcuma turmeric | perejil parsley |
pimienta pepper | comino cumin | cilantro cilantro, coriander |
pimentón paprika | cardamomo cardamom | romero rosemary |
azafrán saffron | clavo de olor clove | tomillo thyme |
canela cinnamon | albahaca basil | salvia sage |
jengibre ginger | menta mint | laurel bay leaf |
nuez moscada nutmeg | orégano oregano | eneldo dill |
El té de jengibre es muy bueno para la garganta.
Ginger tea is very good for the throat.Esta salsa tiene pimentón y laurel.
This sauce has paprika and bay leaves.
Nuts in Spanish
almendra almond | pistacho pistachio | anacardo, castaña de cajú cashew |
nuez nut | avellana hazelnut | pacana, nuez pecán pecan |
castaña chestnut | cacahuete, maní peanut | piñón pine nut |
Una dieta vegana incluye leche de almendras.
A vegan diet includes almond milk.No me gusta mucho la mantequilla de maní.
I don’t like peanut butter a lot.
Desserts and sweet foods in Spanish
helado ice cream | flan flan (caramel custard) | churro churro |
pastel cake | mousse mousse | mermelada jam |
chocolate chocolate | natilla custard | miel honey |
tarta pie | alfajor cookie sandwich | dulce de leche dulce de leche (caramelized milk) |
gelatina jelly | galleta cookie | vainilla vanilla |
De postre quiero flan con crema.
For dessert, I’d like flan with creamLos alfajores de dulce de leche son muy populares en Argentina.
Dulce de leche cookie sandwiches are very popular in Argentina.
More food-related vocabulary in Spanish
Besides the names of foods and drinks, there are many other must-know food-related words, including adjectives to describe foods and meals, cooking verbs, and nouns:
Adjectives to describe food in Spanish
The most common adjectives to describe food and meals in Spanish are:
salado/salada salty | picante spicy | caliente hot |
dulce sweet | sabroso/sabrosa tasty | frío/fría cold |
agrio/agria sour | delicioso/deliciosa delicious | fresco/fresca fresh |
amargo/amarga bitter | soso/sosa bland | bien cocido/cocida well-cooked |
Quisiera el lomo bien cocido, por favor.
I’d like the sirloin well-cooked, please.La comida está demasiado picante.
The food is too spicy.
- See also: Adjectives in Spanish
Cooking verbs in Spanish
The following high-occurrence verbs are essential to understand a recipe in Spanish, give instructions on how you would like your food, or get by in a Spanish-speaking country:
cocinar to cook | hervir to boil | rallar to grate |
calentar to heat up, warm up | pelar to peel | amasar to knead |
cortar to cut | hornear to bake, to roast | licuar to blend |
revolver to stir | freír to fry | moler to grind |
mezclar to mix | picar to chop | derretir to melt |
condimentar to season | rebanar to slice | verter to pour |
descongelar to defrost | batir to whisk, to beat | agregar to add |
Primero se debe picar y freír la cebolla.
First, chop and fry the onion.Voy a hornear un pastel.
I’m going to bake a cake.
Utensils and cooking items in Spanish
tenedor fork | copa wine glass | cafetera coffee maker |
cuchillo knife | plato plate | tostadora toaster |
cuchara spoon | servilleta napkin | sartén frying pan |
cucharita teaspoon | microondas microwave | olla pot |
cubiertos cutlery | horno oven | cacerola saucepan |
vaso glass | refrigerador refrigerator | abrelatas can opener |
taza cup | freezer freezer | tabla de cortar cutting board |
Necesito calentar mi café en el microondas.
I need to heat up my coffee in the microwave.¿Dónde están los cubiertos?
Where is the cutlery?
Drinks in Spanish
The most common drinks (bebidas) in Spanish are:
agua water | limonada lemonade | vino wine |
té tea | refresco, gaseosa soda | vino tinto red wine |
café coffee | agua mineral mineral water | vino blanco white wine |
café con leche coffee with milk | agua con gas sparkling water | vino rosado rose wine |
zumo / jugo de naranja orange juice | cerveza beer | batido milkshake |
Café solo, sin azúcar para mí, por favor.
Black coffee, no sugar for me, please.Para beber, quisiéramos una copa de vino tinto y un agua mineral.
To drink, we’ll have a glass of red wine and a bottle of mineral water.
How to talk about food and drink in Spanish
Here are some common sample dialogues to talk about food and drink in Spanish:
—¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
What’s your favorite food?
—Mi comida favorita es la pizza.
My favorite food is pizza.
—¿Te agrada la comida picante?
Do you like spicy food?
—¡Sí! De hecho me encanta la comida mexicana.
I do! Actually, I love Mexican food.
—¿Qué hay para cenar hoy?
What’s for dinner tonight?
—Pastel de papas.
Cottage pie.
—¿Tienes ganas de tomar un helado?
Do you feel like having an ice cream?
—¡Buena idea!
Good idea!
—¿Quieres un café?
Would you like a coffee?
—Sí, por favor.
Yes, please.
—¿Probaste sushi alguna vez?
Have you ever tried sushi before?
—Sí, de hecho como sushi todas las semanas.
Yes, in fact I eat sushi every week.
—¿Qué me recomienda?
What do you recommend?
—Le recomiendo la trucha con papas asadas.
I recommend the trout with baked potatoes.
Culture tip: The phrase buen provecho is equivalent to “bon appétit”. It is said in some Spanish-speaking countries to wish someone a good meal.
Practice: Foods in Spanish
- Wordreference.com, “piñón,” accessed October 3, 2024, https://www.wordreference.com/
- Oxford Spanish Dictionary, 3rd edition on CD-ROM, Oxford University Press.
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary, accessed October 3, 2024, under “cottage cheese,” https://www.merriam-webster.com/
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